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Evan: Restored, Piece by Piece

Since joining our recovery program over a year ago, Evan has progressed gradually. He recently moved into the independent living phase of the program, is back in his son’s life and has a job. All he had to do was look inward and upward.

I have a history of drug and alcohol use. However, that wasn’t really the problem. The problem was me.

The end of my rope was June 15, 2018. I came to the recovery program June 23rd. My mom and dad heard about City Gospel Mission online. And the fact that it was free – and I had no money and was going to be homeless – gave me a really good opportunity, and I’m so thankful that I took it.

When we first get into this  program, we’re fighting a lot of negativity in our minds. We think, ‘We’re never going to get through this.’ But City Gospel Mission gave me time to learn how to live again. And they didn’t put any boundaries on me. I don’t mean they didn’t put any rules  on me. But they let me find out who I really am. They also helped me to learn that community is important.

I’ve always known about goals. But I never really wrote them down and thought about them. This place helped teach me, through the classes and discipleship, to use the time that I have wisely and set those goals.

It has been difficult. I have to challenge myself and realize that my way is not the highway. And that’s a daily journey. I have to choose every day to fight the battle that is inside my mind, my heart and my soul. If I don’t push myself beyond what I think I can do, I’m going to become complacent.

I don’t always do it right, but if I check myself, God’s going to lead me down the right path.

Time is something that God can help us get back. I’m working on getting back into my son’s life, and I’ve been seeing him. I have a job now, so I need to get stabilized financially. I hope to be in transitional housing for a little bit then move out on my own. And see where the Spirit takes me. City Gospel Mission is just the beginning.

God bless everyone who gives so generously to transform the lives of the men and women fighting hard for their sobriety in our recovery programs!

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