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Steve: A second chance

I had lived life for 40 years addicted to drugs. I started smoking marijuana at 12 years old. In 2016, I had been on the verge of suicide. I remember standing on the Main St. bridge in Hamilton, ready to jump. It was January 31st. I was high that day. A cop approached me. I was standing there dealing with that struggle inside. I hesitated enough that he grabbed a hold of my coat and pulled me off the edge. I see it now as God saved my life that day. He showed up. And I haven’t used drugs since that night.

Soon after, I came to Hope House Mission. There, I attended the JobsPlus classes in Middletown. JobsPlus is a reinforcement for my recovery. They taught me ways to focus on making the right decisions. (JobsPlus North director) Doug Dunlap is a great teacher. I learned to apply Biblical principles to all aspects of my life.

I got a job as a forklift driver and was able to save some money to get my own place. I’m working full time at a job where I have a leadership position and can share my faith, which is important to me. I know God put me in this job. It’s the best job I’ve ever had, right in my wheelhouse.

In the past 6 months, so much has happened. I know God works in our lives through other people. If you have ever been broken, when you can have others help to get you through it, that means a lot. JobsPlus did that.

I’m a true believer that when God gives us another chance, people will too. I have three grandkids. For Christmas, my ex-wife’s parents invited me into their home. I couldn’t believe that. They saw the change in me. I feel like I have integrity now. I never felt that my entire life. When we allow the Holy Spirit to come in, He will change our lives if we let him.

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